About us
Red Creative was established in 1989, offering a broad spectrum of design solutions for visual communication.
The ethos of our work is holistic, always in service to content. Our team is distinguished for its ability in producing targeted design proposals and is repeatedly singled out for competitive awards in Greece and abroad.
People 04

Simos Saltiel
He studied graphic design and photography at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago and at Parsons School of Design in New York (BFA, Communication Design). In 1989 he founded Red Creative. He has been exhibiting his photographic works since 1982 and in 1998 won first prize of the Photosynkyria Festival. He has been photographing the alternative music scene of the city of Thessaloniki since the 80's. In 2008 he created the online photography magazine wip. Art director and photographer at Red Creative.

Christos Tsoleridis
Born in Alexandroupolis, he studied graphic design at the TEI of Athens and at the University of Art & Design, Helsinki. In 2014 he founded the creative agency Oxhouse Design Studio in Thessaloniki, where he has been working as a professional designer since 2000. His works have been awarded in Greece and abroad (EBGE, WOLDA, Hiiibrand, Ermis Design Awards, Ten Images for Ithaca). In 2016 he was a member of the Jury of Greek Graphic Design and Illustration Awards (EBGE). He enjoys nice conversations (especially when it comes to travel, history and typography), tries to maintain his curiosity about the world and he is allergic to dogmatism. He has been collaborating with Red Creative since the autumn of 2019.

Tania Vlachomitrou
She studied Archaeology, then she got a Master's degree in Museology & Cultural Management and later on her license as a tourist guide. Few years later, she initiated and co-founded Dot2dot, a cultural startup organising alternative themed walks in Thessaloniki, while in 2017 went one step further by founding In the Loop, Thessaloniki’s first self-guided tours app. She is a member and project manager of Octopus Garden, a Greek-German organisation based in Berlin, that supports cultural and economic exchange between Thessaloniki and Berlin. She is inspired by music, performing as a DJ and organising events with guest DJs and musicians from all over the world. She is Red Creative’s Client Account Manager since October 2019.

George Mantzouranedes
He’s been working in advertising since 2003, as a copywriter, concept developer, and brand narrator. His work includes a wide range of implementations -from corporate storytelling to social media content- and has been awarded several times over the years -including Greek Design & Illustration (EVGE), Digital Media, and Social Media Awards. He has implemented a series of copywriting and content-related workshops, and he currently is the Content Management instructor in ACT Lifelong Learning Center’s Diploma in Digital & Social Media Marketing. He’s a member of the cultural company Dot2dot, a copy editor at Makedonia newspaper, and a radio producer, holding the 13:00-15:00 spot at OFF Radio. He has been collaborating with Red Creative since 2020.
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Μία ανθολογία
Η Red Creative με αφορμή τον εορτασμό των είκοσι χρόνων από την ίδρυσή της προχώρησε στη δημιουργία μιας έκδοσης που καταγράφει την εξέλιξη της έντυπης γραφιστικής στη Θεσσαλονίκη, όπως αυτή εικονίζεται μέσα από δουλειές δημιουργών της πόλης. Στις σελίδες του βιβλίου παρουσιάζονται θεματικά και με χρονολογική σειρά, δουλειές δημιουργών και γραφείων από το 1980 μέχρι το 2009.